Hi, my name is Paige Clough, and I'm the owner and operator of Paloma Trails. I have truly experienced the strength and calming abilities that horses have to offer for over 20 years! This is my story.
Horses have captured my heart since I was a little girl. I received my first pony at the age of 6. Lady was her name, a sorel shetland pony with an attitude. I quickly outgrew her and ventured on to riding horses at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center.
My family lived in a neighborhood about a mile from where the Center was being built. I watched them build the most amazing horse place from my game room window. I spent most of my days with my English riding instructor and my 16-hand bay thoroughbred, Sammy.
In the late 1980's, the oil crisis hit my family's business hard. Eventually my house was sold, and my heart was broken. At age 13, I buried my love for horses. Or so I thought.
I became a mom in 1998 to a passionate spitfire of a daughter, Bridget. I vowed to keep horses a secret, knowing I wouldn't be able to afford the horsey world as a young stay-at-home mom. However, she found a plastic horse at the age of 3, and was obsessed.
She couldn't get enough of playing with horses and watching horses on TV. I decided to see which horse shows were scheduled at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center. A miniature horse show was scheduled for that weekend. I had never heard of a miniature horse show. What was it? All the shows at the Center are free admission except for Pin Oak. I thought
that this was a great way to see horses for my daughter. The day we went changed our
lives forever.
Today, I have 28 horses ranging from full-size horses and ponies to miniature horses. My passion for these great animals is stronger than ever. I’m a certified therapeutic riding instructor, which means I've completed the qualifications to teach riding skills to children with special needs. Paloma Trails takes pride in offering impactful and unique programs to guests of all ages and abilities.
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